Thursday, October 11, 2018

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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Garage Door Locks for Additional Security

Protecting the things you treasure most isn’t always an easy task. But, sometimes it may be easier than you think. For instance, one easy way to beef up security at your home is by adding locks to your garage door.

Not many people think about adding locks to their garage doors. Yet, it is a fairly simple task that can make a whole lot of difference when it comes to the safety of your property and your family. With a wide variety of locks on the market today, there are several options that you can choose from. Ultimately, your choice will boil down to the level of security that you need for your home and your budget.

So, what’s the first thing that you should know about garage door locks?

As a homeowner, you may not be interested in knowing about the core details about garage door locks and how they work. But, it surely would be helpful for you to be aware of the different types of garage door locks that are on the market today. Since there are quite a few options to choose from, let’s look at some popular choices.

  1. The T-handle lock

    Shaped like a ‘T’, as the name suggests, this lock is quite popular among homeowners. It is often selected because of the unique key which is associated with the lock. Unlike regular keys, its keys are extremely difficult to duplicate. As such, it is also very difficult to open the lock without the correct key. This makes the lock an excellent security device on garage doors, deterring and preventing unauthorized persons from opening it.

  2. The padlock

    A very common type of lock, padlocks can be used in several areas of your home. Although it seems very simple in its design and function, padlocks offer a great deal of security. And, they are quite inexpensive when compared to many other types of locks. One of the best things about padlocks is that there are many types, offering varying amounts of protection. So, you’re able to purchase padlocks that require specific codes or combinations for opening and even closing. So, you may use a keyless padlock, if you so desire.

  3. The deadbolt

    Another popular choice among homeowners, the deadbolt boasts a very secure locking mechanism. For many years, it has protected homeowners far and wide. An inexpensive but durable lock, the deadbolt is known for its remarkable ability to protect against intruders. Suitable for garage doors and many other points of entry and exit in a home, the deadbolt has a fantastic reputation that has lasted for decades. Available in different types, styles and sizes, the deadbolt is a great choice for a garage door lock.

  4. Keyless Locks

    With all the advances in technology, there have been many updates to the traditional locks that once existed. Today, there are many new locks on the market, many of which can be opened and closed without the use of a key. These keyless locks offer much more protection against criminals and unauthorized individuals as they require codes and passwords that are often difficult to figure out. If you are tech savvy or you aren’t intimidated by the technological advances taking place, getting a keyless lock may be a good choice for you.

Now that you are familiar with the most popular types of garage door locks, you may be wondering which one will be perfect for your garage door. It isn’t very difficult to determine this, but there are several things that should affect your choice.

  • Your budget

    The amount of money that you have available is going to play a big part in the lock that you decide to purchase and install on your garage door. No matter what your needs are or what situation you are faced with, you simply cannot ignore the budgetary limits that you are comfortable with. If you are able to extend your budget to purchase a product that seems to be perfect for you, that is great. If not, be sure to stick to your financial limits and purchase a lock that will give you the best value for your money. Remember, big brands may seem enticing, but there are often cheaper alternatives that can deliver similar or even better results.


Article Source:  Garage Door Locks for Additional Security

Aricle source here: Garage Door Locks for Additional Security

Saturday, June 10, 2017


When we talk about home security, it’s important to understand that this is a separate issue from home fortification. Turret guns and razor wire are probably going to make your neighbors nonstop sad face you, and that’s not what we’re looking for in the long term. Good neighbors are part of a solid home security strategy. Home security for the most part is a process of making your house less attractive or more difficult to enter than your neighbors’ houses. That’s a cold-hearted way of thinking, but your first responsibility is to your own family. Let’s look at some steps toward improving your home security.

Look at your house with a criminal’s mindset.

Your house is where you spend 60% of your day most days. It’s the place you’re most familiar with in the whole world, and sometimes that’s not a great thing. Familiarity means you might be ignoring weak points in your home security. A window that can’t lock anymore, or a concealed access point to your backyard. Go outside and case your joint as if you were planning to break in. List your weaknesses so that you can begin to address them. Make sure to actually start!

Conceal conspicuous wealth.

You’re not running a showroom in your home but if you think are, you’re inviting trouble. Your expensive cars are best parked behind a close, lockable garage door. Your curtains ought to be drawn in the daytime if you’re out. Conspicuous wealth makes window shopping easy for criminals.

Get a dog.

Loyal, territorial, and unafraid of danger. Qualities which set dogs well above most humans, and qualities that you can employ in favour of your home’s security for very little cost. Dogs can be picked up for next to nothing at animal shelters and they run on food scraps and tummy rubs. Spend a little time selecting a good one that hasn’t been abused so that it will fearlessly stand up to any intruder. Naturally, larger breeds do this better than smaller ones. A toy poodle or dachshund might be noisy and helpful in alerting you to a burglar, but the fight will be yours alone. You’d rather the burglar is already scared and bleeding by the time you find him.

Lock everything.

This shouldn’t need to be said, but it does, so I will. Altruism will get you robbed and maybe bashed. Unless you’re running a relief program for your neighborhood’s scumbags, keep your place locked up even if you’re home. Your front and back door deadlocks don’t need to be fully locked. Being able to open a deadlock from the inside, the correct side, is not a security flaw. It’s a easy get away if your house is on fire or you’ve lost the fight to protect your home. That said, window security grills are a great idea. Anything that makes your house a greater effort to access than your neighbor’s is a great idea.

Disguise the times you’re out.

Home automation makes it easy to make your house look occupied any time of day. Electrical outlet timers are cheap and easy to install. If your house has lights on and a TV on at random times in the day, a crook has to stump up the courage to get close and look in a window. Your curtains ought to be drawn, so even a look in the window won’t be easy.  Social media can also work against you if you’re out of your house for a few weeks. Tweeting your holiday pictures will assure any of your lowlife acquaintances that your house is an easy target. 

Plan in advance how you will deal with a home invasion.

I will have a full article coming in the future on this topic, but everyone ought to know what they will do in the case of a home invasion. If you’re home and someone has smashed their way in, what will your response be? Make sure that everyone in your house is aware of the plan so that you can respond properly. Drilling your home invasion response is a good idea too.


Related Article: Home Security System Is A Smart Home Improvement

If you need professional help in improving your home security, visit